CMR-Nepal offers research fellowships to deserving candidates conducting research related to media. Since 2014, the CMR-Nepal is not calling application for the fellowships, but rather offering fellowships to interested researchers seeking fellowship.
Workspace equipped with a computer, internet and a small selection of media books at the Research Resource Center at Anamnagar, Kathmandu. Fellows are entitled to use the meeting space.
Research support from CMR-Nepal staff and members. Many fellows want guidance on review of literature, methodology, data collection and presentation.
Engagement in CMR-Nepal’s activities and researches.
And, opportunities of social networking.

The CMR-Nepal 6-month fellowship period was particularly fruitful for me in terms of guidance on various aspects of starting and conceptualizing a research work, the art and craft of thesis writing, nuances on analysis and building an argument, understanding complex theories and their meaning in real context and above all, my engagement with mentors and colleagues in an environment that was very conducive for learning and sharing ideas... [Read more]
Sudeep Uprety
Research Fellow 2012
Past Fellows
- Binod Dhungel (senior research fellow 2015-16) studied Press Freedom Violations During Madhesh Movement
- Advocate Bhakti Ram Ghimire (research fellow 2017-18) analyzed court verdicts on cases registered under ETA, Clause 47.
- Umesh Pokharel (Research fellow 2013-14, research topic: relationship and information flow between journalists and security agencies)
- Kanchan Adhikari (Research fellow 2013-14, research topic: comparative study of editorials of national dailies)
- Ganesh Paudel (Research fellow 2013-14, research topic: journalists’ use of Wikipedia as research resource)
- Bhuwan KC (senior fellow 2013-14, research topic: political inclination and affiliation of journalists; and it’s impact of news contents)
- Mukunda Nepal (research fellow 2012-13, research topic: social media’s role in mainstream media’s agenda setting)
- Sudeep Uprety (research fellow 2012-13, research topic: media discourse on security issues)
- Umesh Shrestha (research fellow 2012-13, research topic: audience response on online news)
- Rajneesh Bhandari (research fellow 2012-13, research topic: impact of mobile evolution on youth in Nepal)
- Prakash Acharya (senior fellow 2012-13, research topic: use of anonymous sources in Nepali newspapers)