The misinformation landscape in Nepal is complex, and developing effective interventions requires understanding its nuances from multiple perspectives. This book attempts to assess Nepal’s misinformation landscape through various angles and lenses. The chapters are divided into two broad sections. The first four chapters focus on understanding the state of misinformation in Nepal and public perceptions surrounding it. The two other chapters examines interventions—specifically media and information literacy, and fact-checking — and their state and effectiveness in Nepal.
Editor: Ujjwal Acharya
Publication: Center for Media Research – Nepal
Edition: First
Publication Year: 2o25
Pages: 192
Misinformation: Shared Concern, Limited Interventions
by Tilak Pathak & Bhuwan KC
Misinformation and Democracy
by Ujjwal Acharya
Chapter 1
An Anatomy of Information Manipulation in Nepal
by Rishikesh Dahal & Ujjwal Acharya
Chapter 2
Public Perceptions of Misinformation: Sources,
Impacts, and Societal Implications
by Ujjwal Prajapati & Lekhanath Pandey
Chapter 3
Framing Misinformation: A Review of Literature and
Media Discourse
by Rishikesh Dahal
Chapter 4
Mapping Misinformation: An Analysis of 10
Prominent Misinformation Cases
by Ujjwal Acharya
Chapter 5
Media and Information Literacy: Examining the
Effectiveness of Educating Youths
by Chetana Kunwar & Ujjwal Prajapati
Chapter 6
Fact Checking: How Misinformation Challenges
Mass Media Authenticity
by Ujjwal Acharya & Chetana Kunwar
Final Note
Fighting Misinformation to Strengthen Democracy
by Prof. P. Kharel