CMR-Nepal annouces Media Research Fellows 2024

The Center for Media Research – Nepal (CMR-Nepal) on September 26 announced two researchers as Media Research Fellows 2024.

The fellows were selected from among 12 applicants who responded to the call for application for the fellowships. This year, CMR-Nepal has allocated NRs. 200,000 for the fellowship which will be used to compenstate the fellows’ works.

The concept notes of the applicants went through blind evaluation by three members of the selection committee: Mr. Deepak Aryal (Chair, CMR-Nepal), Mr. Rishikesh Dahal (Assistant Professor of Journalism, Tribhuvan University) and Mr. Tilak Pathak (Executive Director, CMR-Nepal).

The fellowship begins October 1, 2024 and ends on December 30, 2024.

The fellows will engage with CMR-Nepal in research activities and present their findings in a conference in December 2024. CMR-Nepal will publish fellows’ works with DOI in 2025.

The CMR-Nepal Media Research Fellows 2024  and their research topics are (in alphabetical order):

  • Shreeman Sharma: Media Framing of Transititonal Justice in Nepal
  • Sudeep Uprety: Spreading community awareness on Climate Crisis, Displacement and Conflict nexus in Nepal through media

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