Media Research Fellowships 2024: Call for Applications

The Center for Media Research – Nepal (CMR-Nepal) invites researchers interested in studying contemporary issues in media and journalism in Nepal to apply for the CMR Media Research Fellowship 2024.

Selected fellows will receive funding between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 100,000. CMR-Nepal will award 2 to 4 fellowships this year.

Eligibility: The ideal research fellow holds a Master’s degree and has completed at least one previous media research project (a Master’s thesis is accepted as previous media research).

Details of the Fellowship:

  • Fellowship period: 3 months, from September 16 to December 15, 2024.
  • Research topic: Should relate to contemporary issues in media and journalism in Nepal. Priority will be given to topics aligned with CMR-Nepal’s areas of work (visit for details on CMR-Nepal’s focus areas).
  • Expected output: A publication-quality research article in APA format. CMR-Nepal will publish the research report with a DOI.
  • Support: CMR-Nepal will provide mentorship and other support if requested by the fellow.
  • Funding: Fellowship funding will be awarded after submission and acceptance of the final draft.

Important Dates:

  • August 31: Application window closes.
  • September 15: Announcement of fellows.
  • October 1: Research fellow submits detailed methodology.
  • November 31: Submission of the first draft of research.
  • December 15: Final research report submission.

How to Apply:

  • Send a CV, budget requested and concept note in English or Nepali to
  • The concept note should include research questions and methodology.
  • The budget should include three-month of honorarium for researcher and any other costs associated with research.
  • Application deadline: August 31, 2024.
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